Adaptive cruise control

<br/>Adaptive cruise control¹ supports you within the system limits in maintaining distance from vehicles ahead. The ability to regulate the set distance, which can be adjusted between five levels, also makes it possible to adapt to the individual traffic situation. <br/>

Your transit time for Adaptive cruise control¹

For spontaneous

1 or 6


For planners

1 or 3


For the determined



This is how the Adaptive cruise control

Adaptive cruise control detects vehicles ahead within the system limits with the aid of a radar sensor and keeps the vehicle's speed or distance from the vehicle ahead as constant as possible within the control range. The speed range in which the system is available is between 0 and 210 km/h. The control range is from 30 to 210 km/h. In stop-and-go traffic, vehicles can brake and come to a standstill and, under certain conditions, automatically start up again. In the case of manual transmission, the gear changing process must be taken over by the driver.<br></br>Operation is via a separate steering drop arm. The distance can be set at five levels; the dynamics of the system can be adjusted via Audi drive select or the ACC menu.<br></br>Including Audi pre sense front.

Please note: all systems only work within system limits and can support the driver. The driver remains responsible for paying the necessary attention in road traffic.


Flexible term of use


Supports you in maintaining distance from vehicles ahead


Distance control can be adjusted between five levels, depending on the situation

Booking conditions

The use of Adaptive cruise control via Functions on Demand is possible in the following vehicles:<br> Audi A3 (ab MJ 2021) or Audi q4 e-tron (MY 2023). <br></br>You also will need:

  • a verified myAudi account as main or secondary user
  • Functions on Demand capability in the vehicle
  • a compatible iPhone or Android Smartphone⁴